Plenary Lectures

Designing flexoelectric metamaterials through computational strain gradient engineering
- Irene Arias
- Lacan, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain

Fracture and flow in porous media: a two-scale approach and spline-based discretisation
- René de Borst
- University of Sheffield, UK

Computational mechanics-based digital twin for model predictive control of autonomous UAV landing in adverse conditions
- Charbel Farhat
- Stanford University, USA

From engineered metastructures to natural seismic metamaterials: theory, computational aspects and experiments
- C.W. Lim
- City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Development of new rocket propulsion system "Rotating Detonation Engine"
- Akiko Matsuo
- Keio University, Japan

Computational hemodynamics for clinical applications - crossroad between patient-specific simulation and machine-learning techniques
- Marie Oshima
- The University of Tokyo, Japan