- Masakazu Ichimiya, University of Tokyo
- Nobuki Yamagata, Advanced Creative Technology Co., Ltd.
- Jeffrey Fong, National Institute of Standards & Technology
- Robert Rainsberger, XYZ Scientific Applications, Inc.
- Pedro Marcal, MPACT Corporation
More than half a century has past since the finite element methods (FEM) were born in the West Coast of the United States. Various derivations and alternatives such as generalized FEMs and particle methods have emerged to compensate for some shortcomings of FEM. In addition, these mature and useful numerical analysis tools find a broad array of engineering applications; e.g., for numerical simulations for material measurement involving fatigue, manufacturing process, bio-medical functionalities, etc, and for design processes in automobile, aircraft, shipbuilding, and other industries as well as assessment for regional and global-scale environmental problems. This minisymposium focuses on the developments and applications of a variety of discretization methods, including all pending challenges in this area, or on modeling and simulation methods. Particular emphasis is given on industrial applications and related simulation challenges (complex geometries, large models, stochastic descriptions, ...).
The topics covered include (but not limited to):
1. Particle and Finite element applications in manufacturing and comparisons between the two methods.
2. Natural Language Processing and Understanding based models with adaptive interactions.
3. Contributions of Continuum Mechanics to Communication Behavior of seaborn mammals such as whales. Contributions in this area is expected to support current studies in attempts to understand their language.
4. Research on Statistical Design and Codifications in the Nuclear Industry. We invite contributions in this area that will contribute to the formulation of Codes, Design methods and ongoing experimental and analytical work. Review and introductory papers in this area will be welcomed.
5. New Approach of Metal Forming in the automobile industry
6. Accuracy Improvement of Material measurement data and Fatigue Prediction for Elastomers by Biaxial Testing and Numerical Simulation
7. 3D Die Casting Process Simulation considering 2 Phase Flow by SPH method
8. Design and construction of plants to convert CO2 emissions to climate friendly forms of Carbon for deployment on Earth and Mars