- Ricardo Tomás Ferreyra, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Argentina
Fluid Dynamical Laws together with Transport Phenomena offer the possibility of understanding and modeling many of the multi-scale dynamics problems from Natural Sciences and Engineering. Particularly, in the fields of Fluid Dynamical Laws and Transport Phenomena the state of the art grows up from the past to the present and the traditional procedures, experience and classical scientific knowledge are complemented and updated permanently. Nowadays, data driven technology, reduced order methods and physical based procedures provide more efficient tasks, reliable results, robust processes and a wide perspective of the problem. In addition, promising nonintrusive approaches related to Complex System Analysis and Transport Phenomena emerged and enriched this field. Complementarily, theoretical exhaustive solution techniques can be applied to deal with the very inside of the problem formulation or to understand the deep meaning of every part (at any stage) of the analytical model (in this case, very invasive techniques become inoffensive if applied only to the formulation). However, neither the classical treatment, nor every newer one along the time is better than any other when selecting a method out of a very specific context. So, the scope of this Mini-Symposium is related to any analytical, numerical, experimental, computational advances or measurements connected to real problems to face fluid dynamical problems, complex dynamical problems and transport phenomena in the very lax sense. This means that fluid dynamics topics can be very specific or very general involved and can be related to any field of applications. Topics of particular interest include but are not limited to:
1-Conic flow
2-Prandtl-Meyer flow
3-Navier-Stokes equations
4-Turbulent flow
5-Complex dynamical systems predictions
6-Nonlinear Multi-scale Multidimensional dynamical systems
7-Different strategies associated with Reduced Order Methods
8-Diffusion and Reaction-Diffusion equations
9-Any other topic or application of interest in this field.
The goals of this mini-symposium are to share experiences with international specialists, to discuss and consolidate the recently discovered and reported specific techniques and to open new areas of research that broaden the scientific knowledge in this field.