- Maenghyo Cho, Seoul National Univeristy
- Seunghwa Yang, Chung-Ang University
- Hyunseong Shin, Inha University
This minisymposium will provide a forum for novel multiscale and multiphysics computational modeling and simulation strategies and informatics for complex materials and structures.
Simulation frameworks such as Quantum Mechanics (QM), Molecular Mechanics (MM) and Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations are used for understanding the mechanism of extreme scale material behavior. Micro- and meso-scale models such as micro-mechanics and Phase Field models provide methodologies to bridge between smaller and larger scales. In continuum scale, macro-continuum mechanics models are implemented through Finite Element Analysis (FEA) or Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) to evaluate large scale properties. A combinatory application of these approaches enables understanding the process-structure-property and performance relationships of complex materials and structures across spatial and temporal scales.
With increasing computing power, larger data sets can be generated through the efficient technics such as Reduced Order Modeling (ROM), and Surrogate Model (SM) for complex materials and structures can be constructed. The data-driven identification of materials and structures correlated with their properties aims at the rational design of advanced materials and complex structures. Convergent effort in computational and data-based approaches are now leading to an ever efficient material informatics.
The participants to this minisymposium are encouraged to present and discuss on state-of-the-art characterization, property evaluation and design tools adopting multiscale/multiphysics combinatory simulations and materials informatics.
Topics of interests will be (but not limited to)
1. Performance evaluation of multiscale/multiphysics responses of crystalline, ceramics, polymers&composites, and other soft materials
2. Computational approaches on environmental aging and degradation
3. Computational homogenization modeling of nanocomposites and hybrid composites
4. Data-driven computational mechanics and validation
5. Computational fracture mechanics and cohesive FEM on interface/interphase problem
6. Characteristics identification of inelastic behavior with linear/nonlinear models
7. Reduced order modeling and data-driven surrogate modeling for complex materials and structures