- Leong Hien Poh, National University of Singapore
- Ron Peerlings
- Tinh Quoc Bui
- John Dolbow
- Amine Benzerga
A wealth of novel computational modeling techniques have been developed in recent years for capturing the inelastic phenomena which result in material failure, including crack initiation, crack propagation, damage localization and other material instabilities. The mini-symposium aims to provide a platform for discussion of the newest theoretical and numerical developments at all stages, length scales and time scales of inelastic material responses, until complete failure has developed. Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to, the following areas:
・Material modeling, computational strategies, numerical methods, comparison with experiments
・Continuum descriptions, cohesive zones, fracture mechanics approaches, discrete network models, etc.
・Micro- and macro-mechanical models
・Multiscale frameworks bridging different length / time scales
・Regularization methods with non-local / gradient / phase-field enhancements
・Transitions from continuous to discontinuous formulations